What would mom say to the question, “I want to be happy?” – After Mom

Listen to thoughts on how to bring mom in and hear her words when you're going through times of grief or are seeking her advice. "After Mom" is a book written by Diane Michael that focuses o bringing memories of the past to light, forgiveness and keeping mom's memory alive. This workbook has helped hundreds of readers. It can be purchased on Amazon. << Listen to the Video >>

“Digital Di” Releases “After Mom”

How is life now that mom is gone? How are you getting by? Have you been able to move forward and are you the best version of yourself? Is her memory alive and well? How have your relationships with family turned out? If you had blame or guilt, have you handled forgiveness in a healthy way? If you’re anything like me, you may feel that life has really robbed you of so much love and possibility by taking your mom away...