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JPG vs PNG By Justine Mancini What is our internet experience if not for images? Anyone who has saved an image from the web or for a simple paint program knows that there are tons of file formats to choose from. If you're not a graphic designer, artist, or photographer, many of those file formats aren't going to be any of your concern. Instead, you probably most often deal with JPGs (or JPEGs) and PNGs. But do you sometimes wonder if you...July 26, 2021 By Diane MichaelNewsAdvertising Daytona Beach, AssociationManagement, Callan Group, Callan Group Commnications, CallanGroup, CallanGroupCommunications, Diane Michael, dianemichael, Digital Di, Don't Be Prehistoric, emailnewsletters, InstagramDaytonaBeach, LinkedInMarketingDaytona, Marketing Daytona, ReviewSites, ReviewSiteTurnKey, Social Media Ormond Beach, surveysdaytonabeach, The Callan GroupComments Off

Hiring Vendors After the Storm (and always)
Hiring Vendors After the Storm << LISTEN TO DIGITAL DI'S RECOMMENDATIONS >> Callan Group has worked with hundreds of vendors by having them as clients or by working with them through our clients. Unfortunately, after a storm, many vendors take advantage of consumers. We've seen it too many times. Before hiring a vendor, be sure to: Read their Google Reviews Put the business name in the search bar with Google reviews for example: Callan Group Communications Google Reviews Read as many as you can starting with one...September 27, 2024 By Diane MichaelNewsAdvertising Daytona Beach, AssociationManagement, Callan Group, Callan Group Commnications, CallanGroup, CallanGroupCommunications, Diane Michael, dianemichael, Digital Di, domainhostingdaytona, Don't Be Prehistoric, emailnewsletters, FloDesk, GoogleMyBusiness, hootsuiteprosandcons, hostingDaytona, InstagramDaytonaBeach, LinkedInMarketingDaytona, linktree, Marketing Daytona, marketingconsulting, ReviewSites, ReviewSiteTurnKey, SEODaytona, Sign Up for Flodesk, Social Media Ormond Beach, surveysdaytonabeach, The Callan Group, UniverseNudge, websitesDaytonaComments Off

Don’t Be Prehistoric
If your digital portfolio doesn’t score an A+ your business may become extinct! We heard time and time again that Facebook was a fad, now it’s highly unusual for a business to not have a page. Same goes with many other digital sites. Keeping all of them updated and knowing the constant changing settings each one requires is time consuming and at times overwhelming. CGC loves doing a FREE digital profile for any business that wants to know their footprint score....
Book Food Trucks for Your Next Event
Food trucks have really blown up in popularity over the past five years, and with good reason. Who doesn't smile as soon as they see a food truck pull up? Food trucks are a convenient (and not to mention TRENDY) way to feed a large group, with different options, in a short amount of time if necessary, without having to resort to something like a sandwich platter from the supermarket - which, let's face it - is not fresh,...
Remember Your Website Needs Attention
Your website is not a "set it and forget it" tool. You need to regularly update and refresh it to stay relevant and engaging to your audience! Having control over your website allows you to make changes and updates quickly and easily, without relying on a web developer or IT department. Business Owners: Contact Digital Di to help get your ownership & control over one of the most important parts of your business.September 12, 2023 By Diane MichaelNewsAdvertising Daytona Beach, AssociationManagement, Callan Group, Callan Group Commnications, CallanGroup, CallanGroupCommunications, Diane Michael, dianemichael, Digital Di, Don't Be Prehistoric, emailnewsletters, InstagramDaytonaBeach, LinkedInMarketingDaytona, Marketing Daytona, marketingconsulting, ReviewSites, ReviewSiteTurnKey, Social Media Ormond Beach, surveysdaytonabeach, The Callan GroupComments Off

Video Helps Tell Your Story
Marlon, aka "The Hat Fella", joined the CGC Crew in 2018 when he was introduced to us by Your Restaurant. He is a visual genius that can see angles that others may miss. With drone capabilities and close attention to detail, "The Hat Fella" is ready to make your story come alive! Marlon was born in San Jose, Costa Rica and moved to the United States with the mindset of becoming an entrepreneur. When he started College at Indiana University...
Our team partners with associations and non-profits to execute an array of services as small as consulting to as large as a full production fundraising event. Cause marketing and event management are also key components to our mission and company goals. ASSOCIATION MANAGEMENT Too often associations fall behind because of the lack of volunteer support and follow through. That’s where Callan Group Communications comes in. We are currently hired by multiple local associations as their marketing & membership director and their...August 26, 2019 By Diane MichaelNewsAdvertising Daytona Beach, Callan Group, Callan Group Commnications, CallanGroup, CallanGroupCommunications, Diane Michael, Digital Di, Don't Be Prehistoric, emailnewsletters, LinkedInMarketingDaytona, Marketing Daytona, ReviewSites, Social Media Ormond Beach, The Callan GroupComments Off

Blueberry Festival of Greater Orlando – April 22
Browsing through Facebook last weekend we came across Southern Hill Farm's Blueberry Picking Weekend which made me pause. The fact that they had two food trucks participating made me even more interested. With over 400 people interested/going I wondered where Clermont was and proceeded to Google maps to find out. An hour and some change from Port Orange, not too bad. I contacted my sweetheart and asked if he wanted to go blueberry picking. We both were raised up...April 15, 2017 By Diane MichaelEvents, NewsBlueberry Festival Orlando, Callan Group, Callan Group Commnications, CallanGroup, ChefMarkPullin, Diane Michael, Digital Di, Don't Be Prehistoric, FollowThe420Truck, FoodTruckDaytona, FoodTruckPortOrange, Marketing Daytona, Social Media Ormond Beach, The Callan Group, The Good Food Truck, TheGoodFoodTruckComments Off

Effective Gratitude – Universe Nudge
Callan Group Communications Creative Director, Diane Michael, aka "Digital Di", wrote "After Mom" in 2018. During this pandemic, she offers a suggestion of practicing "effective gratitude". Listen to part of Insight 10 which goes over a "gratitude shift". If this video touched you and you want more information on the account, Universe Nudge, follow on Instagram!March 31, 2020 By Diane Michael"Universe Nudge" Blog, NewsAfterMom, Callan Group, Callan Group Commnications, CallanGroup, CallanGroupCommunications, Diane MichaelComments Off